Friday 13 April 2007

Sleepless Night

I didn't sleep well last night! I had this weird dream that feel so real and really make me realise how it will feel when you lost someone that’s really dear to you!

I normally have a peaceful dreamless sleep and snore through the next morning. But last night was totally different. Occasionally I do have funny dream, naughty dream and all sort of weird dream but last night was totally different. I dreamt the death of someone that I'm really close with! In the real world, I have never lost anyone that's really close to me yet beside my grandmother who passes away over a decade ago. She is such a great woman. May she RIP. I was still young then and know nothing about death.
Last night’s dream really hit me and I could feel the pain and really crying in my dream! And also I could feel the emptiness in my life when my loved one is no longer part of my life on earth. I don't know how long the dream was, but suddenly I realise that I must get up from this dream and do hope it is a dream! And when I woke up, I look at the clock and it was around 2am. I have tears on my eyes and glad that it's all a dream!

This dream really makes me think, what is it all about? Is that a sign? Is that a punishment for me for not appreciating what have been given to me? But I do realise that I should respect and care more to my loved ones. Life is so short on earth. You will never know when they will go and leave us for good. Once they are gone, they will never return. Life can end just from a blink of an eye.

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